In the age of mobile and microblogging, sitting down to write a good old fashioned blog post on an actual computer feels so retro. While blogging has rightfully taken the backseat to the ever-convenient IG/FB/Snap, I occasionally miss the days of sitting down and sharing thoughts for the sake of sharing thoughts. Funnily enough, I'm so used to keeping my thoughts quick and concise that I have no idea what long-form thoughts I even have anymore...
Well, I'll just go with the first word that comes to my mind: gratitude. I'm so grateful to all of my very early clients in 2016, who trusted me - a newbie to the scene - with their wedding invitations and were so generous with their praise, appreciation, and continuing support. While working for myself, and building this all from scratch, is a life that I very actively CHOSE, there have been many moments where I wondered what kind of idiot would choose this life (spoilers: Me. I'm that kind of idiot). The not-so-sexy side of this life does take a toll on you: The solitude. The hours. The uncertainty. The whole not-hourly/not-salaried wage thing. That whole "building-from-scratch" thing. I'll be totally honest with you: there are still times I don't want to get out of bed (yes - even though my job is essentially a personally customized amalgamation of things I love)!
But - the point is, those are just moments. Those fleeting moments give way to overwhelming gratitude and joy. I'm just a person who wanted to make pretty things. And now there are people out there who actually say "hey, can you make me a pretty thing?". I get so much satisfaction from working for such kind people, for such a wonderful milestone in their lives. They give my passion a purpose - something only so few in their lifetimes are lucky to experience. I'm one of the lucky ones.
To anyone I've ever worked with, or will ever work for - THANK YOU.